Ten Tips from ME to make your 2009 a fruitful year:
1. Smile.
*Oh yes, SMILE a lot :) It somehow prevents aging and somehow makes you happier:).
2. Relax.
*Relaxation is the key to a balanced life. Find time to relax and it will surely make you feel connected to your inner being (the most important key to life) and

3. Be patient.
*No one could ever control every single thing around you. So, be patient.. with the things that you never thought would come; with the people who gives you those ill-feelings, because really you cannot change the way they are (you can only do so much!); lastly, be patient with YOUR SELF because you are only human, you will forever make mistakes because you are not perfect, so be kind, be PATIENT to your self.
4. De-clug your closet.
*Oh yes! We do have to remove the old, no-longer-used stuff and start the year fresh!
5. Exercise.

*Exercise releases the happy hormones and not only that, it also makes you healthier and slimmer.:)
6. Save more money than you ever did in the past year.
*If you are a spender, then you should learn to cut back on the unnecessary purchases and save some more instead. You'll never know when you would need extra savings. But learn to keep it balanced. You do have to spend on things that are of importance to you.:)
7. Eat wisely.
*We should all watch what we eat. Not only will this make us fat, it can also affect our health in the long run. So eat wisely.
8. Love your family more than you did.

*To give love is the best gift you could ever give to anyone. Your family is the most important people in your life. So love them more this year. Say your I LOVE YOU's to them :) You just don't know how lucky you are to have them around.
9. Love your lover more than you thought you ever will.
*Once you fall in love, you should give it all. Honesty to your self, to honestly love your PARTNER and give more than you thought you ever will is the only thing that will make your fairy tale come true.:)
10. Give THANKS for all your blessings, for all the love you have and all those you receive and for the gift of life.
*The Lord is always looking down on us and guiding us every step of the way. The things that we have and do not have does have its purpose. Giving thanks for all the blessings is what the Lord wants. Just the appreciation to life

Happy New Year to ALL!
***some of the pictures are from rebelpixel.com courtesy of my brother, Thanks :)
In the photos are Mi Familia except Dadda whose out of the country at the moment.
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