I am a big fan of making letters and receiving one. I love it! I think it gives you a sense of personal touch, a certain connection from the sender because you know that you were given that "time" of that "person" just to make you that "letter".
It really does not have to be long or perfect in grammar. It does not require an occasion to make one, any day is perfect. As a matter of fact, any letter is perfect as long as it was made out of sincerity. I personally like making letters because I like to express myself that way. It has my personal touch (plus I get to use the nicest paper and nicest pen from my collection =D). Especially the fact that you froze that certain moment. It just feels different when you pour your heart out in handwritten letters with pen and paper as your gadgets as opposed to texting or email-ing. Although it is convenient and accessible, it loses its personal touch. Maybe because you cannot hold on to it like in handwritten letters. Nothing beats the old school way of making letters. Probably because I grew up this way, or maybe I got it from my Dad. It could be in my genes or it could be just me. Whatever it is, I love it.
Having read the blog of my friend recently, I realized that although we were miles apart, in the midst of her "trials", when she read my letter, it suddenly made her feel good somehow, for her to take the time to read it again and write about it on her blog, it sure was like a happy feel-good pill I assume. It was like I was there with her all of a sudden. Nice to know that my letter made a difference to her, that it helped her in some way. It probably was a good letter because she brought it with her when they moved, so I am flattered, very flattered that even after so many years, it still has that certain magic, to her at least. It was such a nice compliment.
Expressing myself through pen and paper have always been a good way, mostly. With that being said, I will never stop making letters for the people that I love and care about and I will of course gladly appreciate receiving one as well. It just feels like I'm back to being a child again. It's a good feeling. I like it.=)