I just turned a year older last Monday and I said to myself that I am ready to make this year a productive one for me. I turned 28. A number that I feared when I was 10 years younger. I remembered thinking to myself way back then of how unpleasant that must have been to become that old. haha! 10years fast forward here I am, not feeling quite old and thinking to myself that age is nothing but just a number.

The big 3* on the other hand is scarier. It is scary because time flies really fast. Although I think it wouldn't be as scary as I think it would have been if by then I have accomplished my plans.
A wiser version of me, more loving, less naive, more considerate, less stubborn = (for short) a better ME (I'd like to think so, of course). That is who I have become after 28 years of searching myself. I still haven't figured out where I should be but I know what my goals are, and I know I still have to search more to find who I really am. I think I have enough patience to last for a couple of years though. So that's a good thing!
For now I am happy and satisfied with who I am, I know my strengths and weaknesses, I know where I want to go and know where I shouldn't. I know what and who makes me happy and vice versa. Most importantly, I know something really big is waiting for me and I know the Lord has laid out his master plan for ME.
Happy birthday to me! =)